Caminos hacia el nirvana

Caminos hacia el nirvana - Dalai Lama - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 136 g
Soft cover

Can everyone aspire to nirvana?
What should be the limit of our spiritual ambition?
Are there different types of negative emotions?
How to stay positive when faced with social or environmental injustice?

The Dalai Lama answers these questions and a host of similar questions in one of his best books. Interpreting the ancient wisdom of the Buddha for the present times, he tells us about the paths to fulfillment and the need to overcome negative emotions in order to develop inner awareness in each of us.

Wise, compassionate and always pragmatic, in Paths to Nirvana the Dalai Lama offers advice on the issues that truly concern every human being: how to free yourself from emotional afflictions and petty cravings, how to transform anxiety and depression into satisfaction, how to initiate and keep alive inter-religious dialogue in the troubled times in which more


Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: Caminos hacia el nirvana

ISBN: 9788472456594
Precio de lista: $340.00
Descuento: 15%