Ciudad y los perros

Ciudad y los perros - Mario Vargas Llosa - Alfaguara
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Hard cover

Definitive and revised edition by the author of one of the best novels in Spanish of the twentieth century. Prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language.

In 1962, La ciudad y los perros received the Premio Biblioteca Breve and a few months later it was published after circumventing Franco's censorship. Thus began the literary journey of this work considered one of the best novels in Spanish of the twentieth century. The Royal Spanish Academy and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language pay tribute to the academic and Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa with a new edition of the book that marked the beginning of his literary career.

The City and the Dogs, translated into more than thirty languages, is set in the Leoncio Prado Military College. The protagonists of the novel, a group of young people who are " more


Book: Ciudad y los perros

ISBN: 9788420412337