At just twelve years old, Janina Hescheles was rescued in 1943 from the Lviv "Janowski" concentration camp (Lwów, Lemberg, Lemberik) in eastern Galicia, then belonging to Poland, by a group of the Jewish Resistance. There she lived a hell of death and persecution, from the entry of the Germans on June 30, 1941 until October 1943, a few days before the camp was liquidated. The Holocaust reduced her childhood to an abyss from which she escaped thanks to her intellectual maturity. Now safe, in a clandestine home in Krakow, she received a notebook and a pencil so that she could write down her experiences in the ghetto and in the Lviv concentration camp, where her entire family was murdered.
These memoirs are a unique historical testimony in several ways. In its pages appear all the characteristic elements of the concentration camp: organization, management and bureaucracy of the co...read more