De cine

Aventuras y extravíos

De cine - Eugenio Trías - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 

This book is about great filmmakers. It is obviously a selection or, if you will, a personal canon. The subjective factor can not escape this anthology. Perhaps the reader regret many absences. My intention, however, is to stick to those that best correspond to my personal world. I wish and hope that readers enjoy what is, without regret what not. I do not mean any of this union representative test entwined on some directors felt particularly amaze me. I have tried to focus on the best films of each and at the end have been appearing all are valuable. A book should always be the answer to a radical question. In this, this question is the idea that is formulated for each of the tests on the filmmakers. That Idea is my personal contribution to the knowledge of the director in question. Try to be the conception of their source of creativity, I present throughout the trial. This idea more


Book: De cine

ISBN: 9788415472797
Precio de lista: $770.00
Descuento: 25%