Decolonialiad y psicoanálisis

Decolonialiad y psicoanálisis -  AA.VV. - Navarra
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Soft cover

The decolonial option, in breadth and diversity, is presented as a permanent critical edge to all elaboration, to all practice. Considering the corpo and geopolitics of knowledge together with the political-economic conditions of production, today is an analytical instrument emanating from his teachings. And in Latin American countries the colonial difference helps us to receive it. From the practice of psychoanalysis, the questions raised by decoloniality could not not be heard, first under a defensive inertia, later, and this work bears witness to this, welcoming them in a productive way. This document is made up of different approaches from decolonial thinkers and Latin American psychoanalysts, who take on problems related to subjectivity from perspectives that range from history to philosophy, queer theory and anthropology, touching each and every one of them topics that at the more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Decolonialiad y psicoanálisis

ISBN: 9786079497316
Precio de lista: $150.00
Descuento: 10%