Democracia y representación

Democracia y representación - Claude  Lefort - Prometeo
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Soft cover

Claude Lefort died on 3 October 2010. His work, extended over more than six decades, is met with a closure that is, at the same time, open. In contrast to many of the political philosophers of his time, Lefort had no problem celebrating the very specificity of the practice of political philosophy, a practice that, however, was set out to ignore the disciplinary limits imposed by the positivist hegemony of the social sciences of his time. This work of political philosophy does not make philosophy, if making philosophy involves retreating from events to speculate on forms whose validity would be universal and independent of its time and space. But this work does not therefore renounce to do philosophy, that is, it does not simply worry only about the particular but particular, thus denying the inscription of the contrivation in a genesis of meaning that remains, that sediments, that is more


Book: Democracia y representación

ISBN: 9789875745148