
Rousseau juez de Jean-Jacques

Diálogos - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Pre-Textos
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Rousseau, from 1772 until the end of 1775, in the greatest secrecy, composes these Kafkaesque dialogues, written without continuity, "for short periods" because it was impossible, as he himself says, maintain tension. (Raymond Trousson, Rousseau).
Written between 1772 and 1776, and published posthumously, these Dialogues, one of the last works he wrote Jean-Jacques Rousseau, are complementary while an extension of his Confessions. delirious texts at first sight in a Rousseau, who suffers from a long time of persecution, undertakes the impossible task of justifying himself to the world and defend against all unjust accusations and imaginary plots in his hallucinated lucidity saw urdirse his around. Rousseau, the man, was then erected in judge Jean-Jacques, philosopher, author of some of the works (Emilio, La Nouvelle Heloise, The Social Contract) most influential of the century a...read more


Book: Diálogos

ISBN: 9788415894971
Precio de lista: $1,340.00
Descuento: 25%