Ecología y teología de la liberación

Crítica de la modernidad/colonialidad

Ecología y teología de la liberación - Luis Martínez Andrade - Herder
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Book size:
Weight: 520 g
Rustic with flaps

A devastating critique of the modernity / colonization of liberation theology within the modern discourse on faith.

Why should we consider liberation theology as a historical and epistemic antecedent of the "decolonial turn" in critical thinking? What are the elective affinities between ecology and liberation theology? What are the main characteristics of liberation theology as a utopian intellectual constellation?

This is the first essay that systematically explores the relationships between ecology and liberation theology. The analysis of the intellectual and spiritual evolution of Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff is the basis of ecology and liberation theology that, in turn, combines the sociology of religion (from Max Weber to Danièle Hervieu-Léger), the sociology of culture and utopias and decolonial theories to provide an interdisciplinary and original more

Category: All >> Theology

Book: Ecología y teología de la liberación

ISBN: 9788425441813
Precio de lista: $1,200.00
Descuento: 30%