Undoubtedly the most strange and mysterious works of Joseph Roth, The Antichrist has long baffled even its most loyal devotees. A dizzying hybrid between novel , essay and memory, written while Roth was in the German exile after the rise of Nazism .
JR , a fictional counterpart Roth, a journalist hired by a tycoon of the media , responsible for reporting on fumes Antichrist worldwide in its various characterizations : the art , nationalism , patriotism , communism and, interestingly, the cinematographer , who looked like a black magic trick to replace real life by a hypnotic and illusory limbo. The Antichrist has less to do with religion as the moral disintegration of the modern world . It is, above all, a moral argument against the barbarism of industrial modernity and dehumanizing written from the despair of those who, to the shame intends to plead the cause of humanism.