Giorgio Nardone us into a seemingly magical reality where " the secret is no secret," only subtle skills .
This book aims to explain the art of solving complicated problems by apparently simple solutions. This art does not provide recourse to reassuring truths , ie, definitive knowledge of the reality around us , but rather considers the use of stratagems that violate common sense and rational logic .
In 1930 , the Danube occurred a fact that the newspapers of the day gave important information . A young suicidal intentions are thrown from a bridge , to the cries of the witnesses was attended by a gendarme , who , instead of getting in the water , pointed his gun at young shouted " !Get out or I'll shoot ' Man obeyed and left the water. The gendarme had spontaneously perform a paradoxical act that worked perfectly as a strategy of " adding fuel to extinguish the fire ."<...read more