El arte de la guerra

El arte de la guerra - Sun Tzu - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 425 g
Hard cover

Sunzi's art of war is, along with the Laozi, the Chinese philosophical text best known in the West since the French Jesuit Jean-Jacques Amiot translated it for the first time in 1772. Conceived with implacable lucidity and rationality, the content of this brief work overflows completely the narrow margins defined by the military strategy to unravel with meticulous precision the fundamental mechanisms of absolute domination. Much more than a mere treaty of tactics or strategy, it provides a fertile and inexhaustible horizon of interpretations and potential applications in fields as diverse as political theory, philosophy, economics or psychology. This edition, revised and updated, is the first translation directly from ancient Chinese. In addition to collating the different editions of the text and the manuscripts recently discovered by archeology, he intends to integrate the work attr...read more


Book: El arte de la guerra

ISBN: 9788498797022
Precio de lista: $790.00
Descuento: 25%