El Centro se distingue por su levedad

Conferencias e historias terapéuticas

El Centro se distingue por su levedad - Bert Hellinger - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 210 g

Conferences and therapeutic stories The book contains the most significant conferences and therapeutic stories of Bert Hellinger. They all revolve around one central point: the basic order in which our relations will succeed or fail. Look towards the fundamentals of thinking and making of this unique therapist and invite us to take with him an epistemological way. Throughout these texts, plays Bert Hellinger taboos without fear of innocence and awareness, bringing out the orders that allow the love within and between different human groups to flourish. A book of wisdom, fascinating and moving, which brings us to our own center as a starting point and destination. There we collected and experience deeply attuned to the world as it is. The center is distinguished by its lightness for professionals and students of psychology and a general public interested in issues of systemic therapy a...read more


Category: All >> Psychology >> Constellations

Book: El Centro se distingue por su levedad

ISBN: 8425422825
Precio de lista: $565.00
Descuento: 30%