El Coste de la dependencia al envejecer

El Coste de la dependencia al envejecer - Ricardo  Moragas Moragas - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 360 g

The unit has been identified as the major challenge for the future quality of life of older people, given the high cost of a variety of health and social services. Increasing age dependency creates a demand for geriatric care, formal and informal, that tests social security mechanisms. This book provides the first approximation of all costs, health and social services, hospital and residential home through the agency costs of major diseases that cause it. The analysis of the costs of dependence on age is an indispensable tool for ensuring the provision through public and / or private. Foreword by José Barea of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences "The book presents a methodology that Prolog is the first analytical approach that takes into account all direct costs and residential home care dependency. The total cost estimate appears divided into three groups: the first inc...read more


Book: El Coste de la dependencia al envejecer

ISBN: 8425423414
Precio de lista: $1,130.00
Descuento: 30%