El debate del pensamiento político contemporáneo

Una aproximación al liberalismo, republicanismo, comunitarismo y multiculturalismo.

El debate del pensamiento político contemporáneo -  AA.VV. - Gedisa
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The present work has the objective of carrying out a comprehensive and systematic analysis of contemporary political thinking, especially on four of its most representative traditions and currents: liberalism, republicanism, community and multiculturalism. The book focuses on the theoretical, epistemological and methodological aspects of each of these aspects; in its origins, realizations, translations and historical mutations in different latitudes and societies; in its most significant current empirical references, and in the main debates that have been cultivated inward or in relation to other political traditions and currents. It is an academic work aimed at the specialists in the field; to the students of Social Sciences and Humanities, particularly of political science and philosophy; as well as citizens interested in reflecting on the main changes and continuities that policy i...read more


Book: El debate del pensamiento político contemporáneo

ISBN: 9786078231713
Precio de lista: $260.00
Descuento: 20%