El Ensayo Como filosofía

Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno

El Ensayo Como filosofía - Ricardo Forster - Ubu Ediciones
Publisher name: 
Ubu Ediciones
Year of publication: 
Weight: 300 g
Soft cover

In these first essays, the writer who ordered the fruits of his readings was recognized, who built his own tone where modern and Jewish concerns coexisted, rich in the treatment of language, novel in the continental context. Ricardo Forster's writing is a network of relationships with a variety of themes. The essay is configured as a vehicle that allows him to travel through the waters of the deepest love for philosophy, literature, childhood, inheritances and traditions received, books, travels, because if the exciting Buenos Aires has been his original home in a middle-class family of Jewish origin, it turns out that the European and American world is the homeland of his philosophical concerns. literary and political.


Book: El Ensayo Como filosofía

ISBN: 9789878495170