El erotismo y su sombra

El amor como potencia de ser

El erotismo y su sombra - Enrique Carpintero - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Enrique Carpintero received the First Special Mention of the National Award in the Psychological Essay area 2011-2014 for his book "Erotism and its shadow. Love as a power of being".

Since its creation in 1913, the National Awards have been at the center of the State's cultural policies in order to distinguish Argentine literary, dramatic, essay and musical production. The delivery ceremony was held on December 2, 2015.


Culminating a project that comes from afar, with the forcefulness of innovative thinking rooted in the best of psychoanalysis and philosophy, Enrique Carpintero now gives us El erotismo y su sombra. Love as a power of being, a text destined to occupy a leading place in the expanded field of our culture.

Already in 1999, announcing the new millennium, Enrique Carpintero surprised us with Registros de lo negativo. The body as a place ...read more


Book: El erotismo y su sombra

ISBN: 9789871185641