El gran robo del clima

Por qué el sistema agroalimentario es motor de la crisis climática y qué podemos hacer al respecto

El gran robo del clima -  AA.VV. - Itaca
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During the last 25 years, GRAIN has worked with social movements and organizations around the world to defend local cultures and their food systems from the advance of industrial agriculture. But another important part of our work has involved connecting this analysis of the agri-food system with the larger issues that affect the planet. We have also sought to connect the struggles of peoples against this food system and other struggles that occur in other areas. The climate crisis is another important example of this.

The great theft of the climate explains why the agro-industrial system is one of the most important drivers of climate change and to show that food sovereignty is critical to promoting just and lasting solutions. When governments, particularly those of the main polluting countries, refuse to assume their responsibility to tackle the problem, it becomes even more ...read more


Book: El gran robo del clima

ISBN: 9786079710156