El jardín de los Finzi-Contini

La novela de Ferrara. Libro tercero

El jardín de los Finzi-Contini - Giorgio Bassani - Acantilado
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In the city of Ferrara, when the Jewish community lives threatened by the anti-Semitism of the fascist government, the Finzi-Contini-a Jewish family of ancestry-lead a secluded life in a luxurious villa, surrounded by a majestic garden. Alberto and his sister Micòl, the children of the family, decide to invite some friends to their house, after many of them have been expelled from the tennis club in the city. The protagonist of the story, a young middle-class Jew, thus accesses this hermetic community-apparently immune to racial laws-in whose meetings politics and private life converge, and love arises between the boy and young Micòl . However, the course of history seems to drag them towards a fateful destiny and lead them to plunge into the abyss that opens under their feet. Few Italian novels of the twentieth century have occupied such a special place in the hearts of readers as Th...read more


Book: El jardín de los Finzi-Contini

ISBN: 9788416748631
Precio de lista: $745.00
Descuento: 25%