El milenio huérfano

Ensayos para una nueva cultura política

El milenio huérfano - Boaventura de Sousa Santos - Trotta
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If everything is so bad why is it so difficult to build a critical theory? The XXI century intuit themselves on the brink of a precipice, but ignore how they got there, they find no trace of the past and the future does not offer much more light. Behind the impossibility of theorizing social transformation is an exhausted modern reason, passed a national state and a feral capitalism. Politics has succumbed to the economy, and this has transformed science in its main commodity. Is it possible to challenge a world that insists on its progress unstoppable modernizing progress?

There is in practice a counter-hegemonic globalization theorized that needs to get out of your game of trial and error. Through some theoretical resources of great originality, the author on this site lights to cross the longest tunnel: the sociology of absences (in charge of watching the silences of the pa...read more


Book: El milenio huérfano

ISBN: 9788498792331
Precio de lista: $995.00
Descuento: 25%