El monje y la psicoanalista

El monje y la psicoanalista - Marie Balmary - Fragmenta
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Weight: 221.1 g

"Everything separates me from a Catholic monk. I do not believe in God, and it is probable that he does not believe in the unconscious. For him, the truth is divine, it has been revealed to men and it has even become incarnate in a man. For me, the truth is human, it remains hidden and only comes through what we do not know. The word comes from outside; to me, from within. He has chosen to live as if he were beyond the human condition, with that celibacy, that poverty, that masculine community, that religious life. Instead, my life and my work are immersed in the difference of sexes and generations, in the society of my time and in scientific research. "Through philosophical dialogue, Marie Balmary expresses her vision of the relationship between religion and psychoanalysis , in search, not so much of what he heals, but of what he saves. It is a dialogue in which the verb to believe i...read more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: El monje y la psicoanalista

ISBN: 9788492416370
Precio de lista: $490.00
Descuento: 15%