El museo imparable

Sobre institucionalidad genuina y blanda

El museo imparable - Roc Laseca - Ediciones Metales pesados
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Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 

As the author points out, this book consists of five small trials is guided by the assumption that "there is a new museum typology, a monster released (and liberal) moving comfortably in what we call the rotation between genuine institutional and soft. Is something like confirmation of an anonymous and generic place that we decided to live to reach consensus aesthetic and progressive policies to be competent meet the demands of a globalization of consumption where the image has been relegated to its cosmetic and instrumental condition .
 [...] Thus, the Unstoppable Museum seems to have emerged as the precise device to perform a Herculean task fraught with paradox: expose to blind, all publicly offer it to reduce the teleological program of modernity and economic administrable cataloging of ideologized new museum man and put away the world to try to cease the siege of phenomena i...read more


Book: El museo imparable

ISBN: 9789568415778