El oficio de vivir, de enseñar, de escribir

Conversación con Pietro Polito

El oficio de vivir, de enseñar, de escribir - Norberto Bobbio - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 185 g

"Nothing is more expensive than lifting all the veils that cover before oneself the dark background of nature itself. Nothing more difficult or more unpleasant. I have always been very self-critical with myself. I have often spoken, as in this conversation, of the lesson of the classics. The first and most lasting lesson that they have left me is that of humility, that of not believing it, that of not losing the sense of proportion ". Doing an almost conscience examination, without rhetoric or complacency, Norberto Bobbio allows himself to be invited to a dialogue in which he makes the inventory of his personal "office of living, of teaching and of writing". From the family memories of childhood and youth - in the extraordinary Turin of Leone Ginzburg, Cesare Pavese or Giulio Einaudi, of which he was a friend - until the years of fascism and then of democracy, from his first readings ...read more


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Book: El oficio de vivir, de enseñar, de escribir

ISBN: 9788498797008
Precio de lista: $665.00
Descuento: 25%