Born in Turin. In the thirties and forties he began to teach Philosophy of Law at the Universities of Camerino, Siena and Padua. During this time he joined the Turin group "Giustizia e Libertà", formed Partito d'Azione part and collaborated with the anti-fascist resistance. After the war he taught Filososfía of law at the University of Turin (1948-1972). Also in Turin from 1972 to 1979, he taught Philosophy of Politics. In 1979 he became professor emeritus. Since then, he was awarded the honorary title of the Universities of Paris, Buenos Aires, Complutense de Madrid, Bologna, Chambéry and Camerino, among others. In his studies of theory of law and politics, Bobbio joined extensive research on political and philosophical thought and cultural history, as well as becoming an active player in the postwar Italian political debate. In recognition of that path, was appointed senator for life by President Sandro Pertini, back in 1984, his vast work can stand translated into Castilian General Theory of Law; Legal positivism; Studies of history of philosophy: from Hobbes to Gramsci; What is socialism ?; The problem of war and peace pathways; Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Right; The future of democracy; The absent party; Thomas Hobbes; Time rights; Right and left; From senectute and Autobiography.