El bebé perfecto

El bebé perfecto - Gleen McGee - Gedisa
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This book, warmly praised by experts as the popular press, offers a comprehensive and objective information on all currently available resources and techniques of assisted reproduction and prevention of genetic problems. Glenn McGee reassures readers with examples showing that genetic engineering merely continue what nature and humanity have always done. Also makes clear that the factors that are found in DNA never develop in predictable ways because of the variety of individual life circumstances. As to the possibility of programming a "perfect baby", no one can have a perfectly clear idea of how "should" be a kid, so excessive programming will remain pure utopia.
The work presents an accessible manner most important ethical and scientists for and against genetic manipulation arguments, evaluating criticism in light of specific cases and possible remedies. Both the information ...read more


Category: All >> Popular science

Book: El bebé perfecto

ISBN: 8474324920
Precio de lista: $570.00
Descuento: 20%