¿El resto qué piensa?

Experiencias de análisis institucional

¿El resto qué piensa? - Sebastián Plut - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

This book is composed of two sections, one on "Theory and Clinical Institutionality" and the other on "Research in Institutional Analysis". The first part brings together seven chapters that combine concepts with descriptions and clinical conjectures. The topics addressed are diverse and include problems linked to the specific practice of the institutional analyst, his function, the objectives of this practice, as well as a set of criteria for thinking about organizational conflicts, the tendency to create fictions, splits and expulsions, institutional violence, etc. This section culminates with a text in homage to Pichon-Rivière. The second part of the book contains four chapters in which I present a set of systematic investigations on different institutional topics: evaluation of processes and results, analysis of demand and closure of an intervention, a study on the social represen...read more


Book: ¿El resto qué piensa?

ISBN: 9789874025722