Sebastián Plut. PhD in Psychology. Psychoanalyst. Founding Member of the David Maldavsky Psychoanalytic Group (GPDM). Director of the Diploma in the David Liberman Algorithm (UAI). Coordinator of the Research Group in Psychoanalysis and Politics (AEAPG). Author of 8 books, including Work and Subjectivity. Psychoanalytic Studies (Ed. Psicolibro) and Psychoanalytic Vestiges (Ed. Ricardo Vergara). He is co-author of 3 books, Language and Psychoanalysis. Investigaciones con el ADL (Ed. Topía), Teoría y clínica en la obra de David Maldavsky (Ed. Ricardo Vergara) y El desvalimiento y las instituciones (Ed. Ricardo Vergara). He has published more than 200 articles in specialized magazines, in Argentina and abroad, and in various media. He has taught classes and lectures at institutions and universities in the country and abroad.