El Taller literario

El Taller literario - Francisco Bitar - Sigilo
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

Gori Lizmayer, author of the Colapso saga, begins to understand that his novels – appreciated at the time by a select group of critics – will soon be forgotten. He earns his living as a high school teacher and by working overtime for an agricultural newspaper. And, in order to become a writer, he decided not to marry or have children. Now he is blocked: he has not written a single page for a while.

One night he goes out for a walk and in a conversation with a service station employee he learns of the existence of a literary workshop in his coastal city. The information is revealed to him as an invitation to embark on an experiment that may serve to revive the almost extinct embers of his writing. When he returns home, he contacts the workshop coordinator and decides to sign up. But of course, he is Gori Lizmayer, the author of the Colapso saga, and he cannot do it with his real...read more


Book: El Taller literario

ISBN: 9788412816044
Precio de lista: $390.00
Descuento: 10%