El tao de la psicología

El tao de la psicología - Jean Shinoda Bolen - Kairós
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 165 g
Soft cover

Who hasn't felt that eerie coincidence, that sudden startling illumination, that occasional flash of extrasensory perception that leaves us in awe? Can we dismiss these events as random, or do they have a deeper meaning?

The Tao of Psychology offers an "Agatha Christie" approach to discovering the hidden messages in these events and finding their meaning in our lives. On a deeper level, Dr. Jean S. Bolen explores the interplay between these "meaningful coincidences" and the insight that we are part of a profound oneness with the universe. This underlying principle is known as the Tao in Eastern philosophy and as synchronicity in Jungian psychology. We observe how it manifests itself in everyday life through those "coincidences" that suggest an inner meaning that we cannot explain rationally.

Relating the concepts of Tao and synchronicity, Jean S. Bolen shows important li...read more


Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: El tao de la psicología

ISBN: 9788472455948
Precio de lista: $380.00
Descuento: 15%