El Zafarrancho aquel de via merulana

El Zafarrancho aquel de via merulana - Carlo Emilio Gadda - Sexto piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The zafarrancho aquel de via Merulana, considered the summit work of Carlo Emilio Gadda, occupies on its own merits a prominent place among the most important Italian novels of the twentieth century. Set in 1927 Rome, at the height of fascism, the story revolves around the efforts of police commissioner Francesco Ingravallo, who must solve a double crime that occurred in a building in Via Merulana: the theft of the jewels of Countess Menegazzi and, subsequently, the brutal murder of the splendid and melancholy Liliana Balducci, whom the commissioner secretly admired. Ingravallo is a kind of detective-philosopher whose instinct and prodigious intelligence trace hidden connections between events and characters entering and leaving this puppet theater commanded by Gadda, in a novel that has been compared to Joyce's Ulysses both for linguistic richness and detail with which both writers w...read more


Book: El Zafarrancho aquel de via merulana

ISBN: 9788417517403
Precio de lista: $550.00
Descuento: 15%