Los milagros de la vida

Los milagros de la vida - Stefan Zweig - Acantilado
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A painter is commissioned to make a painting of the Virgin and Child. The painting will accompany an altarpiece to another of incredible beauty, which makes the artist proud but scares. After searching and looking for a model without success, one day, by chance, he finds a Jewish girl who represents all the beauty, tenderness and innocence he needs. After convincing her to pose, and once she overcomes her fears and misgivings, a special relationship is established between them. However, both misinterpret the feelings of the other: he, already mature, sees in it a mission to fulfill, to show him the way to conversion. She, young and inexperienced, wants to see, in the man who looks at her, some intentions that explain the longings and changes that her body is experiencing. Until fate intervenes.


Book: Los milagros de la vida

ISBN: 9788415277019
Precio de lista: $430.00
Descuento: 25%