En las tinieblas

En las tinieblas - Léon Bloy - Olañeta
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Unfortunately for his luck and fortunately for the art of rhetoric, Bloy became a specialist in injury.

Jorge Luis Borges

Léon Bloy (1846-1917), an uncomfortable polemicist, has been characterized by Antoine Compagnon as the last of the anti-modern writers. This literary trend appeared at the end of the 19th century and continued into the 20th, and can be considered as one of the voices of malaise of the French fin de siècle which, together with others such as symbolists and decadentists, made up the motley artistic scene of the time. . The antimoderns are defined by their criticism of progressive ideology and technological changes that they consider negative, contrasting with the majority, in many cases these writers are Catholic and monarchical, although innovative in their art. Léon Bloy, whose youth was an atheist and sympathetic to the Commune, entered this world at...read more


Book: En las tinieblas

ISBN: 9788497163217
Precio de lista: $470.00
Descuento: 25%