Entre dos mundos

Entre dos mundos - Mario Bunge - Gedisa
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Browse these pages of the Memoirs of Mario Bunge is to accompany dozens of countries to discuss the intellectual, political, philosophical and scientific level of the last hundred years. It is also moving between two worlds, different and parallel, personal and professional.
Arguably one of his great loves has been and science. It has always been devoted to scientific work, teaching, research and training of men and women from multiple disciplines.
Each experience to which we approached in this volume follows, as ripe fruit, a concept, a philosophical idea, a scientific digression which has since been shown in numerous notes, articles or books.
Bunge writes in this book with passion, simplicity and directness their experiences; are persecutions, proscriptions, imprisonments, successes, seudoderrotas, emotions, relationships, debates, impressio...read more


Book: Entre dos mundos

ISBN: 9788497848954
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 20%