Eso no estaba en mi libro de la Revolución rusa

Eso no estaba en mi libro de la Revolución rusa - Javier Barraycoa - Almuzara
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Book size:
Rustic with flaps

Did you know that Marx was a young and devout Protestant before proclaiming atheistic materialism? And that communist Russia tried to create a super soldier by crossing orangutans with humans? Or that God was put on trial and sentenced to death?

The story of a movement whose ultimate goal was, as Trotsky intended, "to turn the world upside down."

The Russian Revolution shook the world in the midst of World War I. As if emerging from nowhere, the Bolsheviks overthrew a weak bourgeois government that, in turn, had previously brought down the Romanov dynasty. Welcomed by a good part of the Western intelligentsia as a new stage in the history of humanity, it seemed that utopia had never been so close to the hands that always dreamed of touching it. The first year of Bolshevik rule was a series of declarations and legislation proclaiming almost absolute freedom... Soon, more


Category: All >> History >> History General

Book: Eso no estaba en mi libro de la Revolución rusa

ISBN: 9788418346293
Precio de lista: $590.00
Descuento: 15%