Experiencias de trascendencia

Fenomenología y Crítica

Experiencias de trascendencia - Louis Roy - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 440 g

Is there a human experience of the infinite? In this book, Louis Roy answered yes to this question, discuss the validity of transcendent experiences and gives the reasons may be considered as non-illusory. Since the experience of transcendence involve a discovery intelligible and an emotional response, the author explores both the affective and cognitive side of this opening to the infinite setting, from the phenomenological perspective, historical and ontological, the relationship between them. This book attempts to show that humans are exposed to an infinite totally real and adorable, although it is incomprehensible to our limited intellect.


Book: Experiencias de trascendencia

ISBN: 842542397X
Precio de lista: $1,005.00
Descuento: 30%