Explotación, Colonialismo y Lucha

Explotación, Colonialismo y Lucha - Pablo González Casanova - Akal
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

His work expresses the work of a humanist committed to his time and that of a master forger of rebellious consciences, this is how Marcos Roitman Rosenmann describes Don Pablo, whose personality and critical capacity have earned him academic respect in Latin America. There are almost fifty years that separate this volume from the first edition of Democracy in Mexico, the text that would form a school, and even time does not wear out its contributions; The powerful analysis and discursive clarity remain as an example in sociology although, sadly, its indications remain valid.

Fragments of this and other works with the same intellectual importance make up this work that today endorses the commitment of the Inter Pares collection: to build a bridge of dialogue between generations and authors from different latitudes, important to shape the corpus of Latin American critical though...read more


Book: Explotación, Colonialismo y Lucha

ISBN: 9786079753726
Precio de lista: $690.00
Descuento: 15%