The characters in Fake War are shipwrecked on dry land, stranded in a no man's zone. Some want to leave Cuba and cannot, others left and never quite arrived. They live in a kind of limbo, in a perpetual impasse between reality and desire, between the past and the future, between the country of origin and the country of destination, waiting for a promise, a confirmation or, quite simply, a truce. Something that keeps reminding them that life is possible.
What is the difference between an immigrant, an exile and a refugee? Doomed to chaos, anguish or boredom, the perennially displaced are besieged by a world that at every step –in that simulacrum of progress towards the mirage of the consumer society– reminds them that there is no place for them. In this choral novel, the characters seem to move with nomadic self-confidence between Cuba, the United States, Mexico, France or Germa...read more