Figuras de la excepción en la China antigua

Sabios, desviados y autócratas

Figuras de la excepción en la China antigua - Albert Galvany - Trotta
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Book size:
Weight: 415 g

“A fascinating different vision of the complex Asian country is what we discover in the deep and highly documented investigation of Albert Galvany” (ABC Cultural)

This book offers an alternative vision of ancient China, a crucial and particularly fruitful period in the field of reflection, grounded in the study of the various ways in which three emblematic effigies are declined - sages, deviants and autocrats - who, due to their extraordinary properties or skills are outside the norm and the common.
Far from penetrating this exuberant intellectual landscape from its seminal nucleus, conventionally occupied by Confucian ideology —paradigm of measure, balance and harmony—, the aim here is to explore its most indomitable cartography as it is expressed in a multitude of rarely used documents: divinatory manuals, legal codes, cosmological breviaries, military manuscripts, more

Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: Figuras de la excepción en la China antigua

ISBN: 9788498798531
Precio de lista: $1,020.00
Descuento: 25%