Filosofía de la Naturaleza

La otra mirada

Filosofía de la Naturaleza - José Luis  San Miguel de Pablos - Kairós
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 340.2 g
Soft cover

The image of Nature prevailing from the scientific revolution is that of a machinery whose movements can be predicted and, therefore, controlled. Consequently, the old wonder and veneration for the natural world has been transformed into a purely quantifying attitude, ergo mercantilist and cold. But it is possible to project a different perspective on Nature: one that, recognizing our involvement in it, perceives it as a sensitive and dialoguing subject that participates in the same vitality that animates us. Such an approach has the support of natural science and its results (it would even be possible to make it possible thanks to some of them). It is a science closer to philosophy, in the original and profound sense of the term, anchored in such well-known references as Edgar Morin, Ilya Prigogine, C.G. Jung, Henri Bergson or the Advaita philosophy. Contributing to the growth of more


Book: Filosofía de la Naturaleza

ISBN: 9788472457485
Precio de lista: $500.00
Descuento: 15%