Filosofía y poesía: dos aproximaciones a la verdad

Filosofía y poesía: dos aproximaciones a la verdad -  Anónimo - Gedisa
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The essays in this volume explore the relationship between poetry and philosophical knowledge and define the specific category of poetic truth, a truth not only relative and limited to mere subjective experience.  Gianni Vattimo says it's not a matter of "repeat for the umpteenth time after the end of metaphysical certainties would an adventurous err" for poetry would be the best vehicle, as opposed to philosophical knowledge seeking objective truth. On the contrary, precisely in poetry a real dimension is manifested: the truth of art.  To distinguish between true that we experience in works of art and we seek truth through argumentation must ask what is the difference between concept and image. Aristotle said that the soul only thinks in pictures, but it would be wrong to suggest that the concepts are nothing more than "more abstract" continuations of images. Both poetry and more


Book: Filosofía y poesía: dos aproximaciones a la verdad

ISBN: 8474326788
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 20%