Grecia en el aire

Herencias y desafíos de la antigua democracia ateniense vistos desde la Atenas actual

Grecia en el aire - Pedro Olalla - Acantilado
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 240 g

The Greek effort to build a human space where justice was possible and where the common destiny was governed by the will of men was linked from the beginning to the existence of citizens: they were the city and, therefore, the State. From Solon's daring measures to involve everyone in decisions, the State was born as an order destined to defend the common interest against private interests and the arbitrariness of powerful families. And it is that, as Pedro Olalla shows us, "the history of Athenian democracy is nothing but the history of the progressive passage of power into the hands of the citizens." Today, when Western democracies seem to have strayed from this goal, perhaps it makes sense to tirelessly track down the city where the first citizens were one day born, and with them, politics.


Book: Grecia en el aire

ISBN: 9788416011537
Precio de lista: $545.00
Descuento: 25%