Guía para entender a Pablo de Tarso

Una interpretación del pensamiento paulino

Guía para entender a Pablo de Tarso - Antonio Piñero - Trotta
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Weight: 715 g

Not everything is said about Paul of Tarsus, despite the fact that since Augustine, and especially since Martin Luther and the Reformation, hundreds of books about him have been written. It is not even clear, as it is firmly stated, that Paul was the "second founder of Christianity" or a strict Pharisee as he himself apparently maintains.
Since 1970 a powerful and new stream of interpretation of Paul's theology has emerged, at the forefront of which are mostly independent evangelical theologians and Jewish historians of Israeli thought, which calls into question views apparently seated for centuries: Can it be held today that everything or part of Paul has been misunderstood for more than fifteen centuries? Was Paul's thought exclusively Jewish despite the setting of his birth and schooling in a Greek world? Did Paul leave the Jewish law? Or did he always behave, even more


Book: Guía para entender a Pablo de Tarso

ISBN: 9788498797725
Precio de lista: $1,395.00
Descuento: 25%