Hildegarda de Bingen

Una vida entre la genialidad y la fe

Hildegarda de Bingen - Christian Feldmann - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 445 g
Hard cover

Bird of prey called the Archbishop of Cologne, preached in the market to the masses excited as previously only dared to do the heretics and even being an octogenarian learned to stand up to the arbitrariness of the hierarchy. Hildegard of Bingen was one of the most fascinating figures of s. XII._x000D_
Many things we did and Hildegard of Bingen wrote were unprecedented for their era corresponded with popes, rulers, bishops, kings and women who needed his advice. Hildegard worked many jobs at once was a poet, naturalist, apothecary and ran simultaneously two abbeys._x000D_
The biography of this extraordinary woman written by Christian Feldmann, carried out with a good knowledge of history and style pounding, dares to look into the distant twelfth century now becoming evident in this figure.


Book: Hildegarda de Bingen

ISBN: 8425425967
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%