Historia de las mujeres filósofas

Historia de las mujeres filósofas - Gilles Ménage - Herder
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Weight: 245 g
Hard cover

Written by Gilles Ménage in 1690, great Latin scholar and teacher of Madame de Sevigne and Madame de La Fayette, history of women philosophers is an
Similar to an encyclopedia, Ménage realize who they were and what they said. Sixty-five women who today hardly find in our philosophical dictionaries. This book returns the word to theorists silenced by history, rescued from the mere role of daughters, wives or lovers of notable philosophers and actors considered an intellectual work on an equal footing with other thinkers.
It's not that there were no women than philosophical. Is that philosophers have preferred to forget, perhaps after having appropriated their ideas Umberto Eco

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Book: Historia de las mujeres filósofas

ISBN: 8425425813
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 30%