Historia del pensamiento semiótico 1

La antigüedad grecolatina

Historia del pensamiento semiótico 1 - Wnceslao Castañares - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Rustic with flaps

Although semiotics is a field that no disciplinary body and began to acquire autonomy until the late nineteenth century by Charles Sanders Peirce and Ferdinand de Saussure, interest in the signs and what they can do is probably as old as the man. This interest was primarily practical. But at a certain point became more general and wanted to become an expert knowledge with pretensions of becoming science. The name to know that doctors invented and used later, among others, logicians and philosophers. However, until now there was a history of semiotic thinking comprehensively reconstruyese how was developed reflection on the signs and significance.

The first part of this work, conceived in three volumes, is devoted to Greco-Roman antiquity. It begins with the Homeric texts and ends with Augustine of Hippo, who first explicitly performs a semiotic general reflection. Throughout t...read more


Book: Historia del pensamiento semiótico 1

ISBN: 9788498794960
Precio de lista: $850.00
Descuento: 25%