Humor, entre la risa y las lágrimas

Traumas y resiliencia

Humor, entre la risa y las lágrimas - Marie Anaut - Gedisa
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 300.5 g
Soft cover

What is there in common between a joke, a joke, a comic film, a sketch, a humorous drawing or even the games of words and the use of humor in the difficult moments of existence? The jokes, the puns or the comic situations arouse the pleasures of childhood, those games in which it is done "as if", the representation of roles that produces the illusion of dominating the uncontrollable, allowing us, in this way, to capture the world and prepare us to face their strangeness. Humor refers us to the playful pleasures of childhood with its shadows and lights. It reveals the child that is in the adult, which was built from the game and from the imaginary. Thus, it reminds us of our childhood attempts to master frustrating situations that escape us or that make us afraid.


Book: Humor, entre la risa y las lágrimas

ISBN: 9788497849524
Precio de lista: $470.00
Descuento: 20%