La acción y la política: perspectivas filosóficas

La acción y la política: perspectivas filosóficas - Francisco Naishtat - Gedisa
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 13.1 g

For decades political science devoted academically privileged factors of order and democratic governance detrimental factors democratic action and creativity. And resigned the dimension of change and innovation in the world that is inherent in human action, these theories tend to frame the policy at preset schemes of reproduction and socio-political balance. Taking an opposing point of departure, this work opens politics to the aporias of action, which are discussed under great philosophical perspectives in conflict. The approach leads to examine, among other issues, the philosophical attempts to rationally justify practical life, relationships between morality, law and politics, correlations between civil society and state in the complex democracy and the concepts of liberty, equality and solidarity in the context of the democratic revolutions of the eighteenth century. Text is thus more


Book: La acción y la política: perspectivas filosóficas

ISBN: 8474329612
Precio de lista: $275.00
Descuento: 20%