La cocina de Marx

El sujeto y su producción

La cocina de Marx - Sandro Mezzadra - Tinta Limón
Publisher name: 
Tinta Limón
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

This little book constitutes an exercise in reading Marx in light of a fundamental theme in contemporary critical debates: the production of subjectivity. Obviously, this is not a formula found in Marxian texts: anachronism? Consciously practiced? above all, it aims to produce a temporary short-circuit, to shed light on Marx's problems and to better define our present. Marx's originality coincides with his "untimelyness." In these pages, Marx is interrogated based on the demand to think politically about the present, in order to identify the specific nature of the relations of exploitation and domination that constitute contemporary capitalism, as well as to interpret the radical nature of the struggles in which The question of liberation is constantly reproduced and requalified. At the intersection point of these two axes, Marx summons us to think about the production of subjectivity.


Book: La cocina de Marx

ISBN: 9789873687044