La condición humana ante la muerte

La condición humana ante la muerte - Jesús Oswaldo Loera Cervantes - Otras Editoriales
Publisher name: 
Otras editoriales
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The cadaverous nature of man-the corpse in potential-, that which is inevitable, the irrecusable, the universal. The work presented intertwines throughout its chapters a set of extremely useful materials for the beginning of the creative understanding of part of this condition that inhabits us.

Clearly, the work presented could be taken up by neophytes on the subject and by various specialists:

anthropologists, psychologists, doctors, theologians, philosophers, sociologists, jurists, teachers from various disciplines and, as we mentioned, anyone interested in this fraction of the human condition as it appeals to simple, clear, serious and careful writing. Qualities that do not detract from theoretical and methodological rigor, seeking to overcome the order of academicism.

We cannot avoid the condition that inhabits us, the condition of mortal (s), therefore we more


Book: La condición humana ante la muerte

ISBN: 1021015280001