La energía de la desesperación

La energía de la desesperación - Michel Deguy - Arena libros
Publisher name: 
Arena libros
Year of publication: 
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The question is always where we are. To which responded, old, hogaño and always utopia. Utopia is directed elsewhere, where truly be. Where I'm not, I will not be, no one with me. But we have to invent something like a chance to meet "despite everything, now."

Where? If we follow the spirit of utopia, but without credulity, we must answer: we go where we have never been. But where we have never gone? [...] The intelligible place where we have not been together -and no partial utopias, utopias other: the problem is our global solidarity, a "we" that the interest of mankind, insofar as we are us "human brothers who live together with you", "like brothers" - that place is in a human essence only. We must go where we have never been: no turning back.

The least one can say is that there have not been just. Where should we go because we have never been, we have not gone. more

Book: La energía de la desesperación

ISBN: 9788495897879