La física en la vida cotidiana

La física en la vida cotidiana - Alberto Rojo - Siglo XXI Editores
Publisher name: 
Siglo XXI Editores
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Can a tree turn out to be a camera? A drop of water, a magnifying glass? How do rock stars do to jump into the pool from a ninth floor? Are there tactics to hammock more and better in the square? Can you lift a person just by blowing through a straw? In this book full of surprises, the physicist and musician Alberto Rojo walks us through the main and most curious physical phenomena: those that are seen and hidden, those that walk and stop, what floats, what sounds, what it attracts, the cold and the hot ... a visit to the world every day, armed with questions and experiments that we cannot stop trying. In a generous review, full of examples and original exercises, the general concepts of physics come to the reader through subtle and extraordinary explanations developed by the author. Thus, daily life will reveal itself full of physical phenomena: strange lights and shadows, more

Category: All >> Popular science

Book: La física en la vida cotidiana

ISBN: 9789871220816
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 20%